European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance
Do you need some information, useful news, content you can re-use, and uplifting stories the media won't talk about, or support from a long-standing European association?
About EFVV
Stronger than ever since its founding in 1998, today with more than 50 member active associations in Europe and even beyond,
EFVV mobilizes every day thousands of people in the fight for freedom of choice.
We help with information, morale, lobbying, funding or other resources, ideas and tools that were successful to change things,
and you guess it, with anything we can, because it is now or never, the fight for our health, our liberty and our children.
Respect, promote and protect freedom of informed vaccination consent throughout Europe

How Slovenia Defeated Tyrannical Law Attempt
Our Slovenian member organization, the Association for Natural Development of Children, decided to get some action done when their government was trying to adopt a new version of Infectious Diseases Act.
The new adoption would allow police to enter in people’s homes if they were suspected of being contagious.
The Organization wrote a template to be sent to politicians massively and people would send their versions to all the politicians in the Parliament. We mobilized everyone of our members, allied organizations and contacts, asking them to reach every person they could, and even more.
Our politicians have received hundreds of emails each (that we knew of, so maybe thousands or tens of thousands actually), and at the day of voting people came in front of the parliament for protest.
The new version was not adopted.
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You know, that kind of victories the mainstream media don’t talk about, the actions that changed the situation and that other countries and people could do too or get inspired from for actions of their own?
Please just take 5 minutes to write it down and tell us, we will forward.
It is a war, you are not alone, United we Win, come on board!
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About Us
The EFVV (European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance) is an alliance of member-organisations and individual members from 25 European countries.
The Project
We call on all Europeans to stand together in a demand for a united vaccination policy based on freedom of choice and informed consent.