
EFVV organisations in ---:

Vaktsiinikahjustusega Laste Vanemate Ühing

Vajalik Vaktsiini-info
Other pro-choice organisations:
Vaccination policy
In Estonia vaccination is not mandatory but the childhood immunisation is strongly recommended. We see more and more new vaccines being added to recommended vaccination schedule. Estonian population have awareness of the importance of human rights, medical freedom and how to make informed consent before any medical procedure including vaccination. We see a huge pro-vaccination propaganda push from the government and the media daily. There is frequent censorship of comments of people that are questioning vaccines even by state agencies and there is no dialogue about vaccine efficacy or safety in public media.
Medical doctors who dare to speak out about possible side effects of vaccines being vilified and their membership in medical association being cancelled and eventually they lose their job. There is strict quality program for frontline of primary care providers (GP) and they get monetary bonuses for fulfilling percentage of vaccination requirements. Parents who do not vaccinate are being threatened by some GPs to report those parents to child protecting services based on endangering the children’s welfare.
If parents opt out from recommended vaccination schedule the written confirmation is required by GPs for not vaccinating the children and children will not be vaccinated. Awareness, diagnosis and registration of vaccine injuries is taboo for many doctors, state officials and the media. Therefore, parents do not have enough information, and parents often do not realize that the chronic health problems of a child are actually side effects of vaccines. Unfortunately, the vaccine damages are increasing yearly and it needs wider recognition.
Child age | Vaccination against |
12 hours | Hepatitis B (for children in risk group) |
1-5 days | Tuberculosis |
2 months | dose of Rotavirus |
3 months | dose of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis, Hib infection (DTP-IPV-Hib). Hepatitis B and 2nd dose of Rotavirus |
4,5 months | 2nd dose of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis, Hib infection (DTP-IPV-Hib) and hepatitis B |
6 months | 3rd Dose of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis, Hib infection (DTP-IPV-Hib) and hepatitis B |
1 year | 1st dose of Measles, mumps and rubella |
2 year | 4th dose of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis, Hib infection (DTP-IPV-Hib) and hepatitis B |
6-7 year | 5th dose of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and poliomyelitis |
12 year | Human papilloma virus (HPV) 2 doses |
13 year | 2nd dose of Measles, mumps and rubella |
15-17 year | 6.h dose of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and poliomyelitis |
It is recommended to renew diphtheria and tetanus vaccination for adult in every 10 years. However the adult vaccination rates are really low as the main focus is on children. Strong push to vaccinate against influenza for elderly and pregnant women is increasing yearly. Health authorities promote vaccination for all health care workers but the compliance has been really low according to studies. Media promoting heavily vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella and seasonally against encephalitis, the tick-borne disease.
Vaccination for military service is recommended, not mandatory. But in fact few dare to refuse because of the assumption that vaccines are mandatory in army.
There are no requirements for children to have any vaccines in order to enter kindergarten or school. Unvaccinated children in Estonia are allowed to attend nurseries, preschools, kindergartens, schools and universities.
Adverse event following immunisation public reporting system
Side effects are mostly ignored and GPs commonly say the health problem happened due to pure coincidence or faulty genes. Therefore, vaccination side effects are denied and not reported. There is no law for compensation or fund for redress. In rare cases side effects can be reported by the patients or by health workers. According to law severe cases of vaccine side effects (deaths and permanent injuries) should be reported to Estonian Agency of Medicine , but few do so.
Our organisation contacts in Estonia are
Name in English: NGO Parents of Vaccine Injured Children
English language website:
Estonian language resources:
- Name in Estonian: Vaktsiinikahjustusega Laste Vanemate Ühing
- Estonian language website:
- FB page (mainly in Estonian):
- Our public discussion group in FB called "Ravimite ja Vaktsiinide Kõrvaltoimed" ( Eng: Side effects of drugs and vaccines) - Vaccine information website:
- Our e-mail:
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The documentary has English and Russian subtitles and is 1,5 h long. We show it for free and intended audience is whole Europe. Our documentary is popular in Estonia and we have shared our film to Russian speaking vaccine awareness FB groups. The feedback has been impressive. The link to the documentary is on our website and could be found here : and here