
EFVV organisations in France:
Other pro-choice organisations:
- AEGIS Luxembourg
- AIMSIB : Association Internationale pour une Médecine Scientifique Indépendante et Bienveillante
- AGNVS : Association les Guides de la Nature de la Vie et de la Santé
- ALIS : Association Liberté Information Santé
- Alternative Santé (ex L'Impatient)
- AMETIST : association qui se bat pour la liberté thérapeutique des patients cancéreux
- Asso.E.3M : Association d'Entraide aux Malades de la Myofasciite à Macrophages
- Association Stelior : Centre international d'informations, recherches et études sur les troubles du métabolisme et du comportement
- C2DS : Comité Développement Durable Santé
- CNMSE : Coordination Nationale Médicale Santé Environnement
- Groupe médical de réflexion sur les vaccins : Association suisse
- Info Vaccins France : Association informant sur les réseaux sociaux
- Initiative Citoyenne : Association belge
- IPSN : Institut Pour le Santé Naturelle
- Les Mamans Courage : Association venant en aide aux parents d'enfants handicapés. (lien Facebook)
- Prévention Santé : web radio/TV présentée par Déborah Donnier
- Réseau Choix Vaccinal : Association suisse
- ReVAV : Réseau des victimes d'accidents vaccinaux (Ex Revahb)
- Santé volée : association
- Site du Dr Marc Girard, expert auprès des tribunaux, auteur du rapport sur le vaccin anti-hépatite B
- Soignez-vous : thérapies naturelles
- UNACS : Union Nationale des Associations Citoyennes de Santé
- Le (nouveau) site de René Bickel auteur de Vaccination, la grande illusion
- Le site du CRIIGEN : Accueil - OGM et fabrication de vaccins
- De nombreux blogs, forums et sites personnels traitent de la question des vaccins : VaccinBCG, Questionvaccins, blog de Sylvie Simon, Oser le dire, Docteur du 16 , Dr Nicole Delépine , ...
Vaccination policy
France signed the Convention of Oviedo and requires through various texts the preliminary consent of the individual (or his representatives, generally parents) to any medical act on that person. Nevertheless the French law makes mandatory for the general population, the frequentation of communities including nurseries, daycares and schools.
A new policy requires all children born January 2018 or later to receive 11 mandatory vaccines. That means that the number of mandatory vaccines has increased from 3 to 11. Before 2018 vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis (and against yellow fever in Guyana district) was mandatory, now also vaccination against polio, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae bacteria, pneumococcus and meningococcus C is made mandatory.
Parents who fail to get their children inoculated could face up to six months in prison and a fine of €3,750.
Before the trivalent DTPolio vaccine is no longer available, so to meet the requirements parents are forced to give their children the hexavalent (Infanrix Hexa) or pentavalent vaccines which include the legally-required vaccines along with other non-legally-required vaccines.
Law recognizes contraindication certificates, but they are generally overlooked or even ignored by the administrations. Other vaccinations are mandatory for the exercise of some medical professions.
The health insurance system gives a premium on objectives to doctors for flu jabs of given range of patients. It fixes vaccines prices so that the industrialists can find it beneficial to present only new combining vaccines to increase their turnover. In 2007 vaccinations represented 12,6% of general practitioners’ turnover and 33% of paediatricians’. This gives place to conflicts between parents and physicians/administrations, sometimes between parents too. Refusal of mandatory vaccination gives place to lawsuits with heavy, but not easily applicable threats. Abuses of administrations give place to many disputes.
Unvaccinated children in France are NOT allowed at any preschool (mursery, daycare, kindergarten) and school grade.
Adverse event following immunisation public reporting system
The state compensates victims of damage ascribable to mandatory vaccinations. If they are conscious of the possible origin and know the procedure, victims themselves can report the adverse event. Physicians hesitate to declare such events and the general public is often unaware, so that the number and occurrence of Adverse Events Following Immunisation is strongly underestimated or even denied. The highly contestable loophole of fake certificates contributes to undervalue the occurrence of adverse events.