Vaccination policy
- Tetanus (starting from 2-3 months, 3 doses before the 12th months, plus recalls)
- Poliomyelitis (starting from 2-3 months, 3 doses before the 12th months, plus recalls)
- Hep B (starting from 2-3 months, 3 doses before the 12th months, plus recalls)
- Diphtheria (starting from 2-3 months, 3 doses before the 12th months, plus recalls)
- Pertussis (starting from 2-3 months, 3 doses before the 12th months, plus recalls)
- Haemophilus B (starting from 2-3 months, 3 doses before the 12th months, plus recalls)
- Measles (starting from 11-12 months, 2 doses)
- Mumps (starting from 11-12 months, 2 doses)
- Rubella (starting from 11-12 months, 2 doses)
- Chicken pox (starting from 11-12 months, 2 doses)
Meningococcus B and C went optional until new legal provision.
We recommend to take every necessary step to defend your belief. Exemptions are accepted for medical reasons only, yet it just becomes an option when health authorities recognize an adverse event from a previous vaccination.
After more than 2 years of mass campaigning designed to divide the general population and politicians into two conflicting groups named the pro and the anti-vax, as is the case wherever Big Pharma works to increase its income from vaccines, they finally succeeded in enforcing vaccination by almost tripling the number of the former mandatory vaccines. Now some babies and children up to age 6 will be barred from attending nurseries and kindergartens. And the parents of unvaccinated or partially vaccinated girls and boys from age 0 to 16 will be fined up to 500,00€.
Adverse event following immunisation public reporting system
It is really hard to have a doctor report an adverse reaction and even harder to have it recognized by the authorities (despite the law 210/1992 compensation program). Since the decriminalization of the doctor’s refusal to report an adverse reaction, the number of reports have – quite obviously- plummeted and the vast majority of them (GP and also hospital doctors) refuse to take action. Most of the times parents fill the online forms and many still do not know about this option.