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European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance
We Stand for Freedom of Choice In Vaccination For All Europeans


EFVV organisations in Luxembourg:

Other pro-choice organisations:


Vaccination policy

Like in most countries without mandatory vaccination, Luxembourg citizens experience great pressure coming from pediatricians, schools etc. People who do not vaccinate their children are defined as crazy an irresponsible. Many people don’t have a clue that vaccination is optional. A delegation of people from AEGIS met the chief doctor, Dr. Jean-Claude Schmit, another MD and their lawyer at the ministry of Health. They sent the delegation to the Ministry of Education, where they had already been last July – who sent them back to the Ministry of Health. AEGIS is preparing yet another letter to Dr. Schmit telling about the scandal that it would take so much time to have a public declaration of the status quo. The only exception in Luxembourg is the army.

Vaccination schedule

  • Diphteria (6 doses in exa, penta and tetravalent formulations at 2m, 3m, 4m and between 13m and 22m, 2y and 6y, 15y and 16y)
  • Tetanus (6 doses in exa, penta and tetravalent formulations at 2m, 3m, 4m and between 13m and 22m, 2y and 6y, 15y and 16y)
  • Poliomyelitis (6 doses in exa, penta and tetravalent formulations at 2m, 3m, 4m and between 13m and 22m, 2y and 6y, 15y and 16y)
  • Pertussis (6 doses in exa, penta and tetravalent formulations at 2m, 3m, 4m and between 13m and 22m, 2y and 6y, 15y and 16y)
  • Hepatitis B (2 doses in exa, penta and tetravalent formulations at 2m and 3m, plus at birth when born from HbsAg+ mothers)
  • Haemophilus B (4 doses in exa, penta and tetravalent formulations at 2m, 3m, 4m and between 13m and 22m)
  • Rotavirus (2 doses at 2m and 3m)
  • Pneumococcus (2 doses at 2m and 4m)
  • Measles (2 doses in trivalent formulation at 12m and between 15m and 23m)
  • Mumps (2 doses in trivalent formulation at 12m and between 15m and 23m)
  • Rubella (2 doses in trivalent formulation at 12m and between 15m and 23m)
  • Chickenpox (2 doses at 12m and between 15m and 23m)
  • Meningococcus (1 dose between 13m and 22m)
  • HPV (1 dose between 11y and 13y)

(do we miss anything?? Anyway: “m” stands for months“y” stands for years)



Directors of nurseries (crèches), pre-school, schools, etc., demand vaccinations, despite the fact that vaccination is a private issue. AEGIS is currently working on the fact that most nurseries (crèches) ask for at least 4 vaccines (T, D, Polio and Pertussis) and they just have to don’t care at this. Some rare crèches do not ask for vaccines.

Adverse event following immunisation public reporting system

Probably never ever a person has been compensated, as doctors just don’t believe that vaccine damages exist and they may have caused them. We asked Dr. Schmit how many adverse events (from all medications, including vaccines) had been reported to the pharmacovigilance in Nancy (which is where they have to be sent) in 2015. He answered :
44. We asked how many vaccine damages were in that number: never got an answer… probably zero.
Art. 1er: Lorsqu‘une vaccination imposée ou recommandée par l‘Etat cause la mort de la personne vaccinée ou entraîne dans son chef une incapacité physique permanente, l‘Etat répond du dommage…
Art. 3: … ne s‘appliquent qu‘aux vaccinations pratiquées après l‘entrée en vigueur de la présente loi.