The Netherlands

EFVV organisations in The Netherlands:
Other pro-choice organisations:
Vaccination policy
No vaccine in Holland is mandatory, yet they are heavily recommended. The frequency is increasing. The Vaccine Program is free of charge. While participation is not compulsory, over 92% of parents consent to having their children vaccinated. It is estimated that 80% of the population is not aware that vaccines are a choice and not mandatory.
In June 2018, figures from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) showed that 90.2% from the 2 year old children in the Netherlands were fully vaccinated last year. An exception in the high participation is the number of girls who were vaccinated against human papillomavirus (HPV) 45.5 %, which has declined by 15% since 2016.
In the Netherlands daycares are not allowed to refuse children who are not (fully) vaccinated. However, D66 (a social-liberal party) has submitted a bill proposing to leave daycares the choice whether or not to refuse children who do not (fully) participate in the National Vaccine Program. In the House of Representatives a majority is in favor of the bill.
In the Netherlands there is a foundation, founded by Dr. Jannes Koetsier (medical advisor and chair of the foundation), This is a foundation that helps parents who are suspected of assaulting their baby (‘shaken baby syndrome’), both legally and through medical second opinions. They also want to adapt the current policy in the Netherlands in such a way that fewer unjust accusations of ‘shaken-baby syndrome’ occur. In the current situation, pediatricians often report SBS suspicion too fast to ensure child protection and justice. This occurs in many countries while medical science is not unambiguous about the SBS etiology and symptomatology.
Unvaccinated children in The Netherlands are allowed at any pre-school and school grade.
Daycares are not allowed to refuse children who are not (fully) vaccinated. However, D66 (a social-liberal party) has submitted a bill proposing to leave daycares the choice whether or not to refuse children who do not (fully) participate in the National Vaccine Program. In the House of Representatives a majority is in favor of the bill.
In the Netherlands a group about the Shaken Baby Syndrome is founded. Medical advisor and chair of the foundation is Dr Jannes Koetsier.
The foundation “” has been founded by parents who were victims of false accusation and wants to achieve that:
- pediatricians investigate better the so-called shaken baby and not rush to suspect parents;
- there will be more prevention for other rare diseases and the causes for the SBS abnormalities;
- guiltless parents will receive help.
The SBS (bleeding around the brain sometimes with fracture-like bone disorder) is a not often true assumption. Pediatricians often report at SBS suspicion too fast to ensure child protection and justice. This occurs in many countries while medicine disagrees about the SBS etiology and symptomatology.
Adverse event following immunisation public reporting system
There exist several online reports about adverse events following vaccination in the Netherlands at , yet apparently NO PUBLIC / ONLINE SYSTEM
Adverse reaction may be reported to the public system; The Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb