United Kingdom

EFVV organisations in United Kingdom:
Other pro-choice organisations:
Vaccination policy
The UK recommends 30 vaccines before the age of 6 months, included the pregnancy vaccines. None are compulsory except the French school in London which follows the French system, and one or more private nurseries. However, pressure with phone calls from the GP, disclaimer forms and sometimes visits from Social Services, mean that parents are bullied. Some parents believe vaccines are compulsory for schools. We estimate at least one parent each month is taken to court by an ex partner where vaccines will be ordered, unless we can successfully mediate before court.
Unvaccinated children in the United Kingdom are allowed to daycares, kindergartens and all school grades and exams.
Fluenze LIVE NASAL SPRAY – Children are being vaccinated even when their parents have declined so parents are taking children out of school for the day. Some are keeping them off for 3 days post vaccine because of the shedding issue but are challenging the schools for not authorising the absence. Some local authorities fine the parents for non authorised absence, 50,000 last school year, but thankfully but a father successfully went to court to challenge this illegal ruling.
More separated parents are going to court over disagreements with vaccines for their children – no medical persons in the UK available to be an expert witnesses.
Parents are being asked, quite forcefully in some areas, to sign a disclaimer if they don’t want to vaccinate which puts on pressure on the parent to vaccinate and damages GP relations. I asked the authorities to explain the significance but it is only for the GP and has been asked for from insurance companies. Still children are being refused signed up at a GP surgery. We help families with bringing a complaint for threats, even accompany them to appointments.
HPV in schools – third dose not given now in the UK 20,000 leaflets sent out so far! The latest request was from a community midwife. Practitioners are leaving them in their clinics, even dentists and chiropractors! Sadly, new groups for HPV vaccine injured girls have set up in the UK (SANEVAX) and in Ireland (RESPECT) and the HPV uptake is very high.
Adverse event following immunisation public reporting system
People can report vaccine side effects using the Yellow Card system but at last official estimate only 6% population were aware of this. These reports are not followed up and are only to alert the government if a vaccine or medicine is reported more than it already expects.
Under pressure from patient groups there was a U turn from the JVCI (joint..) and the Men B vaccine is offered even though it previously had said the side effects were too high and it was very expensive. The word is that they had to add in the new adjustment for law suit cases from parents if they did not offer it. Now Calpol is recommended for the high rates of fever! A. The guidance is that parents are to give 2.5ml (120mg/5ml) of liquid paracetamol to their babies around the time of immunization. Parents will also be advised to give two further doses at 4-6 hourly intervals.
However, in 2009 it came to light that more than one dose of paracetamol reduces the efficacy of vaccines say GSK, peer reviewed in the Lancet and the NHS has agreed with on line but this news didn’t reach the GPs or the patients (Are they really concerned about efficacy?)… The conclusion was that if more than one dose is given with 24 hours it significantly reduces the antibody response from vaccination .. BUT new research has shown that paracetamol does not significantly reduce efficacy which we find dubious.