Call for volunteers

Call for volunteers for the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance - Press conference on Thursday 7 December at 11 a.m. - Joint public action day for the Press and National Education on 8 December 2023
Dear all
The European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance (EFVV), founded in 1999 and active for many years thanks to the commitment of associations, doctors, scientists, journalists, IT specialists and ordinary citizens from around ten countries, is today launching a call for volunteers for large-scale European actions to be carried out publicly with citizens and national and international organisations.
Recently, there have been several calls for Union and dialogue with the authorities. The EFVV welcomes these calls and hopes to contribute to concrete cooperation on the ground.
The spirit of the EFVV has always been, as close as possible to the victims, their testimonies and the facts, to bring together people of goodwill and establish a common international strategy against the violation of human rights and dignity represented by vaccinations and what they allow those who impose them.
As chance would have it, 18 years ago yesterday, on 21 November 2005, the EFVV gave a press conference in Brussels where, as well as suggesting a worldwide day of tribute to the victims, it set out the following objectives, now common to many associations and groups:
- Mandatory vaccination be abolished in all European countries,
- A conscience clause be applicable,
- There be no discrimination between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in the eyes of the law,
- The laws which guarantee fundamental human rights be respected,
- Everyone, i.e. the health authorities, the general public, the medical profession, patients, all be informed of the adverse effects of vaccinations,
- An effective and independent Vaccinovigilance unit be created,
- The precautionary principle be respected,
- An exhaustive survey be conducted of the adverse effects of vaccines,
- A system for customary compensation of vaccine damage victims be instituted.
60 years ago, on 22 November 1963, Aldous Huxley and John Fitzgerald Kennedy died. Charles de Gaulle was also born on 22 November 1890. Whatever their limitations or weaknesses, denouncing and rejecting a world written by a few, these exceptional figures stood up against fate to propose a free world that we could build together. As many others are doing today.
We are 27 countries and 447 million people in Europe.
Among us are tens of millions of awakened, courageous, competent, experienced and willing people.
In this all-out war that was declared almost four years ago, we are fighting for the most sacred of things: our bodies, our souls, our memory, our future, our elders, our children, our rights and duties, Nature and Civilisation, Freedom.
This war against Humanity and Life, which began over a century ago and was openly revealed to the World in the spring of 2020, is advancing on all fronts. Vaccines are its most advanced weapons, alongside a certain science, the economy and an ideology that would like to tell us the story of the End of our History.
Against their international war, we need international resistance.
Never have there been so many reasons to despair, and never so many reasons to hope.
But the grounds for hope are greater because never before have so many of us been aware of the state of the Earth, the threats to our Humanity, the future we refuse to accept, the one we want and the way to achieve it.
The only thing we lack is Union.
A visible, manifest Union, in word and deed, that will use the force of its Truth to drive back the few who rule the world, and bring towards us the millions who still doubt.
We need to coordinate independent citizens and large and small organisations, on an equal footing, to take large-scale public action to challenge the media, elected representatives, health authorities, education systems and the justice system, in the full light of day... demonstrating irrefutably to everyone the failure and impasse of an entire model of 'civilisation' that vaccines reveal and plans to inaugurate.
The veils have come down, people have begun to understand the uselessness or the deadly and devastating effects of vaccines on themselves or their loved ones, and tongues are starting to wag. We all know where we're heading if we don't react.
Our ranks include long-standing and recently created associations and organisations, numerous activists and volunteers, lawyers and jurists, small and large alternative media, public figures and researchers, doctors and carers, victims and victims' families, teachers, public figures, committed politicians, elected representatives of the people at local and European level, artists, etc.
It is unthinkable that, so numerous and informed, we should remain divided, fragmented, in the majority's sense of powerlessness, in fear of another control measure or another announced twist in their agenda, of which the WHO treaty of May 2024 is the next stage. Their desire to censor or sanction any voice is precisely proof of their fragility and of the irreplaceable power of each and every one of us.
Contact us by sending a brief CV or presentation of yourself, your association or collective, your motivation and any proposals for action to the following address
Thank you,
François-Marie Périer, EFVV and Ligue Nationale pour la Liberté des Vaccinations, coordinator of the French action of 10 December 2022 Témoignons Pour Changer l'Histoire and of the international action of 13 May 2023 A Day to Bear Witness. Other contact address:
Week of 4 to 10 December 2023: information campaign and appeal to the Press and National Education.
Time is short, but it's enough: here's an initial proposal for action, one year after the French collective action to pay tribute to the victims on 10 December 2022, which brought together 79 towns in more than fifty départements:
Wednesday 29 November at 8.30pm Paris time: coordination zoom for the action on 8 December, link sent on request.
Thursday 7 December 2023 at 11am (Paris time): press conference-zoom to present the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance and the action of the 8th. Link sent on request.
Friday 8 December from 10am, on the occasion of Human Rights Day (10 December) or at a time to suit everyone: gatherings in towns and cities and handing over of press kits, testimonials of side effects and scientific reports on the Covid, Gardasil and other vaccines to newspapers, media and education authorities. The action will be accompanied by a tribute to the victims of vaccinations, with portraits and speeches.