Police came to arrest people at the truckers convoy but they took each others hands and started singing.
Non-violence and solidarity bring power to the people.
The Freedom convoy in Canada has been an amazing uprising of free people who know their rights
despite being threatened with fines and...
Tribute to Luc Montagnier
The EFVV reports with sadness the death of Professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel laureate in Medicine, on the 8th of February 2022 at the American Hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine, outside Paris. In addition to his scientific research, Prof. Montagnier acted often as a whistleblower, calling out a number of...
Pfizer pulls EUA application for children
This is the result of a successfull call to action that was initiated by Dr. Toby Rogers.
People inundated FDA officials with emails, letters, calls and faxes and told them:
''The FDA should not approve a drug for kids that failed in the clinical trial.”
Read the original here.
This is how you...
Press release Luxembourg: scientific opinion on mandates
Distinguished Members of the GovernmentLadies and Gentlemen, the Deputies
Subject: Scientific Analysis of the Opinion (dated 14th January, 2022) expressed by the Group of Luxembourger Experts on “The Adoption of a Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate”
Ladies and gentlemen,
Read more …Press release Luxembourg: scientific opinion on mandates
Hearing at Luxemburg Parliament
Luxembourg people are brave and very active in our joint fight for freedom.
They have been peacefully protesting for a very long time now and the police has become violent
HART Press Release - urgent investigation
Members of HART, the Health Advisory & Recovery Team, have joined with other senior academics and health professionals to call for an immediate investigation into the increasing death rate amongst 15-19 year-old males since May of this year.
Israel jab testimonies
Watch brave testimonies coming forward about their experiences after taking the experimental jab.
It is painful and sad but inspiring at the same time. Resistance is growing, people are realizing they must say no,
no matter what.
Czech Republic: mandate dismissed
This is inspiring!
Our brothers and sisters from Czech Republic sent us this message:
Bulgarians storm the parliament building
Yes, the people of Bulgaria are not standing around doing nothing. They wanted to enter the parliament building and
forced MPs and security forces to barricade themselves inside instead.
Committee for National Liberation - Italy
There is a huge push back in Italy in these days.
In Piazza Castello in Turin on the 8th of January a well know professor of Law Ugo Mattei delivered a passionate speech about the right to resist, like our fathers and grandfathers did in times of Fascism and Nazism.
Austria - against mandatory vaccination
We have all heard news about Austrian Parliament thinking about introducing a mandatory vaccination for Covid-19 in February.
Two ministers proposed this and now both have resigned...we might never know what is happening in the background.
Israel - time to admit failure
This is a letter that is worth reading. Written by professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and one of the leading Israeli immunologists.
Ministry of Health, it’s time to admit failure
An example from the past
From a book called Chronicles of Geneva, pages 395–402, authored by François Bonivard:
''When the plague hit Geneva in 1530, everything was ready. They even opened an entire hospital for plague victims. With doctors, paramedics and nurses. Merchants contributed, and the magistrate gave grants every...
It has been planned
The more ''they'' push, the more ''we'' push back and awaken.
It is only a matter of time... And many dead and injured that could have been avoided if the agenda was supposed to save lives. It is quite obvious to many of us that the agenda is something very sinister.
Largest experiment on human beings- a failure
We know it is an experimental gene shot and has only been given an Emergency Use Authorization.
Noone has been given Informed consent as there were few data available to begin with.
Big Tech and Big Media is censoring scientific data coming out on these shots.
Pfizer 6 Month Data - more illness
A group of 500 Canadian professors, doctors, scientists and healthcare workers published
a report explaining how to interpret the 6 month data from Pfizer about gene shots.
Reflect on this: why is there no sign of this news in the mainstream media?
Why is evidence and scholarly opinion questioning...
Merry Christmas
Christmas, a time of peace for the resistant at heart
The rush of authoritarian measures corresponds to a deliberate strategy: to prevent us from breathing, to break Christmas gatherings and to demoralize us in a relentless fight. Stop, let's leave aside these stress injunctions! Let's take a break...
Project Bluetooth Experience X
Since April 2021, rumours have spread on social networks concerning the appearance ofbluetooth-type signals following one or more anti-covid injections offered by pharmaceutical companies.
Numerous videos have circulated which seem to highlight the appearance of disturbing phenomena,
such as magnetisation...
Injection to blame for 98% myocarditis in children
In November a publication came out by cardiac surgeon Stephen Gundry about increased inflammatory markers in the coronary system after the injection for ''Covid-19''.
At the end of November a renown British cardiologist dr. Aseem Malhotra explained on UK television what this publication was all about.
Read more …Injection to blame for 98% myocarditis in children
Africa dumping million expired doses
The media is constantly talking about shortage of injections to create a sense of necessity.
Under that pressure the Nigerian government accepted injections with a very short shelf life.
We know that the African continent has the lowest injection uptake and for a good reason.
So many experiments...
You serve us - Australia on the rise
AustraliaTimes and others are relaying this historic moment.
As part of a march against vaccine slavery (no less) in Melbourne, a crowd of demonstrators interrupted traffic and several thousand protesters were seen surrounding a police station and chanting "You serve us" to the police.
1 in 34 die - is this what Pfizer is hiding?
Pfizer requested the option to release 500 pages per month which would take 55 years to release the whole report of 360.000 pages.
We wondered why is that. We already know the company had to pay millions for fraud in the past.
What was the reason now?
Well, the first 30 pages reveal that from 42.086...
Where is this going?
We have to ask ourselves where all this GreenPass insanity that has nothing to do with green is leading us.
In Italy the ''super green pass'' has been announced on 15th of October. Workers had to present a certificate just to go to work.
This is a clearly unconstitutional measure. And on the same...
The Vaccine Death Report
The Vaccine Death Report contains a tremendous amount of critical information in a well organized format.
The Vaccine Death Report shows all the scientific evidence that millions of innocent people lost their lives and hundreds of millions are suffering crippling
side effects, after being injected...
How Slovenia Fought Back on the Green Pass Required at Gas Stations
Slovenian government has issued a decree on 15th of September for PCT, which stands for GreenPass.
You either have to show certificate of vaccination, of a test or proof of having had the illness. That goes for all places except grocery stores.
The absurdity was that they would require customers...
Read more …How Slovenia Fought Back on the Green Pass Required at Gas Stations
Shot can cause your body to self-destruct?
An article by dr. Fiala describes how this shot works to program the body to self destruct.
''With the mRNA Corona “vaccination”, an unimaginably large number of healthy endogenous cells are marked as foreign with the spike protein and thus given the green light for destruction by the body’s immune...
Is this proof of ''murder''?
The American Heart Association Journal, Circulation has published this study that clearly shows increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following the jab.
original: https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/american-heart-association-journal-publishes-data-that-uk-medical-doctor-claims-are-proof-that-covid-19-vaccines-are-murder/...
Press release: research fraud at subcontractor to Pfizer
Press release: research fraud at subcontractor to Pfizer now 16 doctors and researchers demand that vaccination in Sweden be halted
The British Medical Journal (BMJ) reveals on 2 November 2021 that a subcontractor to Pfizer likely engaged in extensive research fraud during the phase III trial of...
Read more …Press release: research fraud at subcontractor to Pfizer
Legal proceedings by the authors of the implementation of the health policy in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Participatory co-financing for the deposit of the sum claimed by the chamber of instructions of the court of Luxembourg regarding the seizure and admissibility of the complaint lodged on 11.10.21 for crime against humanity.
Study on the reasons that made people of Luxembourg get the shot
"This new survey performed by EFVV among 95 persons in Luxembourg deals with the main motivations for vaccination against the Covid-19 and with the real number of people who have had side effects or know some people who have had side effects after they took the anti-covid-19 vaccine.The study reveals...
Read more …Study on the reasons that made people of Luxembourg get the shot