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European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance
We Stand for Freedom of Choice In Vaccination For All Europeans

Opinion against mandates

When the Supreme High Court of the USA first ruled in favor of mandatory vaccination it did this only on the ground of  ‘imminent danger’ during a smallpox epidemic, warning against ‘unreasonable assertions of state power’. During WWII, many atrocities were committed in the name of ‘science’...

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Open letter to the WHO

Open Letter from International Organisations to the WHO on the Issue of Vaccine Safety To the World Health Organisation and those attending the meeting of the Global Vaccine Quality Control Laboratories Network (Rome 25th-27th September 2018). To the European Parliament, the European...

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The measles situation in Europe

Summary of ‘Understanding the Principles and Limits of Measles Vaccines Could Save More Lives’ By the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance Recent measles cases across Europe have led to a call for increased vaccination coverage, but measles vaccines do not always prevent measles. Cases occur in...

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Vaccine Hesitancy

Resolution on Vaccine Hesitancy In a resolution (Tuesday March 20th) MEPs stated their concern that current evidence shows gaps in vaccine coverage and hesitancy among the public to be vaccinated against vaccine preventable diseases. They are worried this will result in the public not being adequately...

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Vaccine Safety

Primer on vaccine safety This primer on vaccine safety was prepared after requests to address vaccine safety during a period of consultations on vaccination including mandatory vaccination across the European Union. This document does not address the environmental impact of vaccine production which...

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