Vaccination policy
In Austria childhood immunisation is strongly recommended. Schools for nurses and personal in hospitals require vaccination, even against measles from their employees and students. Caretakers for old people are required to have vaccinations. Everybody working in a hospital is required to be vaccinated. A few years ago a review has been made within the doctors, and only 17% of the doctors were vaccinated. At the Military Service vaccination is required, but if a soldier is willing to take responsibility for not being vaccinated, he/has to sign a form that he takes responsibility.
Short time ago a school doctor took a boy aside and told him that in case he would not be vaccinates against measles and there would be a measles outbreak, the police would come and take him and vaccinate him by force. Everybody was shocked and even a newspaper reported on it.
Rumors of mandatory vaccination in Austria
(a summary by the EFVV Austrian delegate, taken from the Health Ministry website)
Unvaccinated children in Austria are allowed in nurseries, preschools and kindergardens, and primary schools.